Sunday, December 17, 2006

Things that made me smile...

The weather was so wonderful today (okay, maybe a little too hot for my liking, but still good), I thought I'd post about a few things that have made me smile in the past few days.

Some can be so blardy annoying and some oh, so cute.

A family of four recently came to dad's restaurant, two kids, about 8 and 4, I'd imagine. They both had comic books with them. The older one, obviously just learned to read and was heavily concentrating on each word. His younger sister, obviously could not. She was also intently reading the comic. But when I glanced over to their table she had the book upside down. =) I guess it didn't matter to her, it was more of emulating her older brother, kinda thing...

tram driver...
these damn tram rides can be a bore...

Recently whilst on my regular no.19 tram, the tram driver decided to take on the role of tour guide/comedian as well. It wouldn't have been such a pleasent suprise (in fact, could have gotten real annoying), had it not been for the fact that he's tour guide-ness didn't begin until we hit the city. What brought a smile to everyone's face was the fact that the driver kept, switching loud speakers from internal to external and speaking to basically everyone. At one point, a taxi cut him off and he switched to the out side speaks yelled something, which made everyone giggle. It was rude mind you, as there were kids on board. You gotta love people, who love their jobs...=)

ice cream...
here's a tip, to get value for money, go to Brunetti's...

It wasn't exactly 'hot', but it wasn't cold, it was hella windy though. Anyway, I just felt like an ice-cream. I was at Brunetti's with Pete, and figured I'd try the Ice-cream. $4.50 for medium cup. Up to 3 flavours. Okay, so it wasn't exactly cheap. But figured meh. If ever there was a definition of value for money, this was it. I got the three flavours and it bare fit into the cup. It was MASSIVE. It was like having the cup filled with another scoop, about the size of an apple, on top of that. It was worth ever penny (fine...cent) I tell you. Pity it was so windy though...=)

okay, this wasn't exactly a particular moment, but it's great to see, talk to, chat to, or get SMS/calls from friends. I got alot of love this week from a lot of friends and it's awesome. If you're reading this, you know who you are. =) My life would be sooooooooo different without you guys. =)


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