Sunday, December 10, 2006

Floored by an uppercut...

Okies, it was about time I talked about it so here it is...

So, graduation is happening this Wednesday, but unfortunately I will not be taking part in the festivities. Why? Because I failed ONE subject...=( First time that's, ever! Please, please hold your applause. =P

To compound the problem, I only failed by two marks (I got a 48). People are telling me to contest it, and I agree that I'm sure I could pick up two marks somewhere, but the thing is I didn't hand in an essay for this subject (Ethical Issues in Accountancy...what ethical issues? Exactly! =P) and so it doesn't exactly give me great 'pull'. So I've sent a few emails, but I've resigned to the fact that I'm going back to uni for one more semester...

The other thing is, it wasn't the subject that I thought I was going to fail. lol. Ironic eh? I passed my supposed 'danger' subject...but barely. I got 49.56 for AFA (Advanced Financial Accounting), which was rounded-up to 50, a pass! I got the result for this subject one day before the rest, so I was absolutely over the moon and was certain I was going to graduate, but alas...

Now, I'm looking at the positive sides of this. I have more opportunity to save some money and to figure out what I wanna do with myself (though, I'm sure that will take longer than half a year). AIESEC is still a viable option for me. I still want to be on the MC, and this could be the opportunity for myself to prepare properly for it. I just hope that my passion and motivations don't wane.

It was kinda weird feeling going to RMIT to return my graduation outfit...stupid RMIT gives them to you before you actually know if you've graduated or I should of worn it and taken photos or something. lol. I did put on the mortarboard. I looked so daggy...hehe.

Anyways, so it all means you'll catch me at uni, in least for the first half of 2007.

signing off...'I'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude that's really intriguing how they give you the grad outfit/robe before results come out! Anyway this is a really late comment to an old post. Now that it's your final semester is that why you're spending 'free' time overseas according to your last post?!!! Lucky Ippei.

How are the feelings rolling out for going for AIESEC opportunities such as MC or even exchange etc?