Didn't realise it'd been this long since the last post.
I've moved right along with my knee. Now walking limp-free...kinda. But the discomfort in the knee still remains. The flexibility isn't quite there yet and can't bend as deep as my left.
The picture to the left (or above, if you're reading this in Facebook) is the scars left from my surgery. It's not as bad as I initially thought it'd look. It's almost like someone was trying to play naughts and crosses on my knee but just couldn't figure out how.
If you feel where the long scar is, you can definitely feel some metal under there. Which, of course, is supposed to be the case as I have two screws in my knee now (awesome!). I can feel it moving around sometimes when I bend, which I'm actually not sure if that's a good thing or not. I wonder if I'll beep at the airport. hmm...
As you can also see, they shaved my knee for the surgery so it looked quite hideous for a while. Think Steve Carrell's chest in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and you'll get the picture. It's almost back to normal now so it's all good.
They've told me that the knee is actually doing well, and look strong. The physio exercises (as boring as they are) seem to be working. I've started going back to the gym and started swimming lately to help the healing. I got myself a Wii as well, which has kept me entertained the past week (Mario Kart Wii is awesome!).
I've also been out and about, watching as many movies as possible and hanging out with friends which is nice.
I have been given a return date to playing basketball again. April 2009. Damn. It's so close yet so very very far. I intend to be in the best shape of my life by that time so here's to hoping. lol. I'm also headed back to work soon. Which is great, because I'll actually have something to do. Plus I miss everyone at work. The week of the 18th people. soon. soon.
In the meantime, it's a great feeling to finally have my life returning to normal (or at least what feels like).
Ippei K.
1 comment:
we have the same background! :)
p/s: are you going to the state library aiesec "global village"?
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