God I hate stairs. I never had an issue with them before but then you introduce a crippling situation into the relationship and man, can they be a bitch. As friends who have visited me can attest too, I take forever to get up and down the stairs and it frustrates me to no end. And this is after over two weeks of recovery time...
Two weeks ago, as I was leaving the hospital the physiotherapist came in to "teach" me how to use the crutches. I remember getting out of bed for the first time after surgery because it hurt like hell. I had the splint on (pictured) and my leg felt heavy. Then as you stand and rest it down, because you can't put any weight on it, the blood just rushes straight down and cause a throbbing sensation. It does pass, but initially, you don't even want to move.
Getting back home and straight up the stairs i went. 1 step at a time, literally. Hardly moved since.
I was prescribed four types of painkillers so i had dad go out and get them as soon as possible. Panadol and Nurofen, boring but effective. Zydol and Endone. The latter I've not tried...scratch that, needed.
Zydol is awesome. IF you take it properly. You take it, it completely gets rid of the pain. Wonderful stuff. One morning though, I woke up to intense pain. The worst I'd had, almost to the point of unbearable. Now to this point I'd had dad bring me food, so I had nothing to eat around me. I knew it probably wasn't the best thing to do but I just needed the fix. lol.
Bad move.
The whole day I felt like shit. It's one those nauseating feelings. You just sit up and you feel like throwing up. I stayed lying down the whole day unable to even lift my head without feeling dizzy. Listening to the footy on the radio didn't help either because Carlton lost to Sydney.
I learnt my lesson though. I've stopped taking them. Instead I've shifted my focus to my liquor wall. I've been taking "shots" of whisky for the pain. First Glenny, now Johnnie Black. I don't know why I didn't do that from the beginning. Not only does it make the pain go away (admittedly not completely), it also makes me happy and it tastes good. And NO. I'm not becoming an alcoholic. lol.
The splint is also off now. It got so itchy I couldn't wear it anymore. I do put it back on before going to sleep, just in case I have one of my many dreams about becoming a kung-fu master. :P (well, not really but y'know.)
I've been letting my beard grow and after two weeks I can safely say I've never looked dirtier. Add to the fact I've hardly showered, making the grouse-ness factor ten fold. I have washed my hair a few times now, and it took all the creativity I had in me.
Towel around my waist so the bandages don't get wet. Leaning into the shower just to wash my hair. I tell you, after the first time (which was incidentally after over a WEEK of not washing) it felt so good, it was almost orgasmic. :P
Now tomorrow, I go back into the hospital to get my wound checked out. See how it's healing and all. And to also start on my physio. I'll be walking in there like 'House'. Just needing a cane and avoiding all the stairs. ha.
Ippei K.
hey! that looks like it hurts..and sounds like it too!
but i love how u write it, hilarious yet so accurately dipicted!
Hope u're feeling much better..
Shez! Thanks and thanks! I am feeling a lot better this past week. I'm definitely getting there. I hope you're doing well.
hope you're well now!
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