That's how long it's been since the surgery. And as much as I've complained, bitched and moaned it's gone by fairly quickly. But Fuck I'm bored.
I hoped that at least I'd come out of it with an impressive story to tell. Not the case unfortunately. I didn't even get to do the whole "count backwards from ten" thing as they put me under the anaesthesia. It was more like, 'fade to black aaaaaand we're back'.
I did wake up with an oxygen mask, an blood pressure belt, finger pulse-thingy AND most importantly the morphine button. Although they called it something else...hmmm...
Anyway, the button. As soon as they handed me the button, I kept pressing it like crazy. Mind you, I was "in pain" but probably not enough to warrant the amount of times I pressed it. But unbeknownst to me (at the time and found out later), the button had a light. And unless it was lit up, it didn't allow any "morphine" into my system. I have no idea how long it took to re-light so I probably had enough for the night because I didn't need to use the button the rest of my stay.
The rest of the stay was rather uneventful. But you people have no idea how hard it is to pee in a bottle. Let me explain. Every time I needed to pee (and ironically it happened a lot), I had to ask for a "bottle". I offered to go to the toilet but nurses weren't comfortable about getting out of bed. So they got me the said bottle. Now I was curtained off from everyone (thank god), but it is still incredible difficult to go. And who knows how loud the, lets just say, "discharge" sounded.
Other than that, the food was bad but that was to be expected and they kicked me out of the hospital after a night's stay. Now I've been home on my arse, presumably getting fat from the lack of exercise. I still haven't showered since which I HATE. And I've also let my beard grow out.
Today, I decided to throw on a hat because the hair was so itchy now I look like someone trying to be incognito. If only I was going somewhere...
Ippei K.
it's not an impressive case of morphine overdose but at least now you have memories of/with the bottle to last you awhile.
glad you're doing okay!
liss! It's been ages. Thanks for that, much appreciated. :)
My biggest concern with the bottle was pee-ing too much. I won't go into any more detail but i think you know what i mean. ;)
I hope you're well.
we're gonna party after you're well no?
Tiara! Well, I'll definitely do something. hahaha.
It'll be great to see you. I hope you're doing well.
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