They have always been something I was interested in, but for whatever reason (be it time, guts or money) I never got around to getting one. Well, I guess it's time to change that now. After all, it is the year of the rat! (I know that has nothing to do with anything, but give me a break. lol)
Now, I've gotten the okay from pops. Ma, I'm sure wouldn't mind but her being in Japan probably helps things. Other than that, it's just me I have to get okay from and hell, I think I've waited long enough.
Grandparents are another story though. I think they would absolutely freak! (I've probably mentioned this before somewhere, but they are traditionalist Japanese.) So my plan now is to get it after I return from my short trip to Japan in a week's time. Then at least they won't know about it for another while. :P
Another problem is that they may not let me into the hot springs (known as the Onsen) in Japan. They tend to ban people with tattoos. But I've been told that that is because in Japan, people with tattoos are a part of the Yakuza (Japanese mafia). Apparently no body gets them as a fashion statement. So it'll be interesting to see how they treat me after I return with one. And NO, I don't look like a Yakuza! lol. :P
As for where on my body, I've narrowed that down too. I'm thinking two at the moment. Well, I'll start with one and see how I feel/how much it costs/how much it hurts, before getting another.
One on my right shoulder/back. Essentially on my shoulder blade. The second just on my left upper arm. The traditional place.
As for the design...well, that's where I'm stuck at the moment.
My dad, the joker that he is, suggested that for my shoulder, I get his label (if you've ever been to dad's restaurant, you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, it's essentially a caraicture of him with the words "dontac" under it) done.
I asked him, "Why?"
And he replies, "Well, I'll always be watching over you..."
Which I thought was kinda sweet. Then he says, "...and eventually I'll become a burden and be a load on your shoulders!"
Funny man, my pops. LOL.
I was thinking about getting a guardian angel/dragon/phoenix type design there anyway. I came across this, which I thought didn't look too bad...

But as for the second on my left upper arm...I've got no idea at the moment. I'll keep searching I suppose. I'm open to any suggestions too. lol. (But please, no Chinese/Japanese charaters.) Something small and meaningful...well, it doesn't have to be tiny but definitely meaningful!
I've already acquired a location to have the tattoos done (friends and facebook are extremely useful in these situations). And as I mentioned, as soon as I return from my trip, I'll go about getting it done.
I'll post up pictures when I do.
ippei irezumi nannka shicha damedayo! jibun no karada wo kidutsukerunannte....
kyoko yori
hey man, i notice its been along time sense youve posted this?
alittle over ten months. listen, i have a little tribal design on my ear, sounds dumb, but ive always been one to do crazy things. and it goes along with the rest of the tribal im getting, i wont go into much detail about it, but its going to cover much of my left arm, shoulder and heart, but it will surround the heart, showing the evil around it... but showing that im not completely consumed by the demons of myself.
the second im getting is an angel, beaten and broken, holding a broken sword on his knees. rose pedals and possibly a dead tree in the background
it means two things, its for my older brother that i never had, it makes me thing about the brother i need to be. (two younger brothers)
it shows me that i need to keep a level head, a calm head, do not rush into things. everyone needs forgivness.
second it shows me that even angel's are not perfect, and they have to fight like the rest of us. that nothing is perfect. "no one has ever beaten someone who does not give up" - Babe ruth
all i can say, try to create your own design. the angel came to me when i was messing with a fake sword, and it broke in half... the idea shot into my head. and changed how i look at things, i started to take martial arts a few months after to help me relax, be calm (hap ki do)
anyway. if you respond great, if you never read this, im glad i said this, maybe someone else will read it.
dont rush into it. its nothing to rush into if you want meaning.
- Mike
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