Right now I'm in a good place. At least I think so. From the outside perspective it might not look it, but I'm enjoying life. Working hard, sleeping lots, seeing friends, watching movies, eating (very) well. Not much to complain about.
Looking back on some photos I have, it's strange. Not one to carry around a camera myself, though i have a very good one, I can't be picky about the collection. I do have many great photos. What's strange is that I don't have many with the people I'm closest with or care about the most. That not to say i don't care about people who I've photos with (I love you all, you know that. :P).
Me thinks this needs to change. Pity then that, they are also the people I don't get to see that often, for a number of reasons. Some I might not be able to see for a long time.
I digress...
This post was meant to be about my (now annual, for now. :P) trip back to Japan.
As was the case last year, I'll be stopping over in Singapore for a few days (hopefully). Then it's back to good ol'Fukuoka for a week. No frills this time. It's only going to be a ten day trip. Mostly to visit people, so it's not too long or too short. It's weird to call it "going home" but that's what it is. Technically. :P
It'll almost be to the day a year ago that I got back from the trip, when I leave. I'm fairly excited about it. But the excitment purely comes from seeing the people again; Aaron (and maybe Shez) in Singapore, relatives in Japan, friends of family, etc. etc. Not to mention my sister who I haven't seeing since I was last there. That might not sound like anything, but that's the longest period I haven't seen her, since she was born! lol.
I finish this post with a photo...

...only two weeks-ish to go...(would have also been a photo with Aaron and with Shez, except I don't have one! :S)
thats so weird mate, i read through my old posts today too just now. its funny how things change. some things im proud of and others i cringe it. i miss you, man.
I suck. I haven't been here in a while :P. Or any other blog really..
hehe old blogposts are indeed funny. Moving forward or collecting everything that is around right now is not an easy thing to balance right now.
Changing mindsets is true, but I realise how stubborn I am too. And how stuck I am on one thing and never learnt from my realisations. :P Hard to explain.
Speak when I hopefully see you soon.
I'll be personally very offended if you (or Aaron doesn't let me know when you are around) :P. hehe kidding. But hope to catch ya.
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