Main Players: Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, et al.
Calling the shots: Gus Van Sant
Running time: 128mins
What's it about? Based on the true story of openly gay politician Harvey Milk; his life, rise in the political world and his tragic end. It’s US in the 1970’s and the discriminations against them are obvious and wide spread. Yet he remains positive and strives to rises up against all odds to stand up for the rights of all.
What did I think? In the movie industry’s silly season, these gems start popping up every where. It’s a shame that the like of this and Frost/Nixon aren’t getting the wide spread releases that they deserve because unlike other these movies are worth your time.
Again it’s based on historical events so seeing it brought to life in such a magnificent fashion adds to the films achievements. The realness we feel due to the direction and performances delivered in this film are second to none and with such an engaging story, for all its money you’d expect to be depressing, is actually uplifting and very enjoyable.
Sean Penn, I must admit, I think often overacts. He is great but sometimes he will just do that little bit too much to draw attention. Not so in this one. The mannerisms and speech patterns are near on perfect and, though I doubt he’ll win an Oscar for it, deserve all the praise. As does the rest of the cast Hirsch, Franco, Brolin all do a fantastic job with only Diego Luna being the weak-link.
Their incredible performances as emphasized at the end of the film when we see snippets of the real people the cast members were portraying and how close they had come to bring them to life. Some of it is just simply uncanny.
It does have its flaws though. They could have explored more about Harvey Milk the person and not the later parts of his career. But that would be considered a minor detail given how well constructed the rest of the film is. It’s also quite funny in some parts showing that lighter side of an otherwise hard life he lived.
Milk is probably not going to win the Oscar this year; because of both its gay-overtones and the quality of the rest of the field. However it is a movie you should definitely see. If nothing else for Sean Penn and the rest of the casts performance but it truly is an enjoyable film. And let’s face it, that’s why we go to the movies right?
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