Main Players: Ralph Fiennes, David Kross, Kate Winslet, et al.
Calling the shots: Stephen Daldry
Running time: 124mins
What's it about? Post-WWII Germany: Nearly a decade after his affair with an older woman came to a mysterious end, law student Michael Berg (Kross/Fiennes) re-encounters his former lover as she defends herself in a war-crime trial. - from imdb.com
What did I think? As with anything else that’s overhyped or talked about too much, this movie was a bit of disappointment. So much so that, I’m not even sure that it deserved its Oscar nomination as a Best Picture or Best Director movie. Kate Winslet’s break through win was well deserved but it can also be argued that her role was that of a Supporting Actress not a Leading one.
It’s not that it’s a terrible movie. It’s far from that actually. It’s well directed and the storytelling is done fairly well. The performances or rather “the” performance of Kate Winslet is what might elevate this movie to that higher echelon. The problem is it doesn’t grab your attention like it should. The story is compelling enough; it just takes a long time to get there.
The first half of the movie is extremely draggy. It’s essentially softcore porn and slight romance between the Hanna and Michael which is important in itself, but unnecessarily overly long. It is only when we begin the trial of the war-crimes that she is accused of that it even gets interesting. Even when that arrives though, you are not as emotionally connected to either character because of what’s happened before hand.
You’re more curious about whether she actually did it and whether she is in the wrong or not. Then the movie throws you a major revelation that proves to be the movies “wow” moment. And from there it suddenly picks up steam and becomes increasingly interesting and intriguing, but it all comes too late as before you know it, it’s over.
It’s an extremely interesting subject matter and important in terms of our history, but this movie is too laggy for it to be considered a great film. First half is too slow paced, though it may be important in the scope of things, and because of it, it doesn’t get interesting until well into the second and third act. By that time, you’re pretty much over it and are basically enjoying Kate’s handy work.