Main Players: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Candice Bergen, et al.
Calling the shots: Gary Winick
Running time: 94mins
What's it about? Two best friends, Liv and Emma, who are both set to get married, book the town’s best wedding planner. Unfortunately, their weddings are booked on the same day, at the same time, at the same place. Neither is willing to sacrifice their day for the other. Let the war begin.
What did I think? Anyone who knows me well knows that I like my fair share of romcoms and chick flicks. I can even take them romantic dramas and tear-jerkers. But this…this is just pure rubbish. And it is somewhat of a shame because both Hudson and Hathaway are appealing in normal circumstances.
Where to start…a movie like this really is made for chicks. Yet in usual chick flick fair, there is at least some appeal for the blokes that get dragged into it. Whether it be: attractive leads (check) or a decent amount of laughs that they can relate to (big fat cross) or is even slightly funny (a bigger fat cross). This has zero appeal and therefore quickly became a very painful experience.
Hudson and Hathaway are as advertised. Both a beautiful and they can both carry a movie. They do the very best that they can with what they have to work with in terms of the plot, because it isn’t very good. Candice Bergen (from TV’s Boston Legal) is on cruise control, doing not much at all. And there’s hardly anyone else in this movie of note.
The other thing is that, all the male characters look the same. And asides from the three main blokes, the others all seemed gay…but that could just be my boredom playing up.
The plot tries to keep it interesting with some plot turns and character developments, which if anything, seem completely out of place and totally misguided. It needed to end somehow and what they came up with is a bit of a muddled mess.
There are a few moments that show some potential but that is very short lived and returns to its true self, a complete dribble. I initially thought this movie would do well, but after having sat through it (I wanted to see Role Models dammit, but I was out voted), I’d be surprised if this even hits the top three range. See it at your own peril.
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