Main Players: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Taraji P. Henson, et al.
Calling the shots: David Fincher
Running time: 159mins
What's it about? Born as an 80 year-old baby, Benjamin is abandoned on the doorsteps of a nursing home in the heart of New Orleans. However, to everyone’s surprise, as he ages, he in fact grows more youthful. We follow his most unusual and extraordinary journey of life, love and loss, and learn that’s it’s “the moments” that count.
What did I think? So much buzz and so much hype about this movie as the award season officially rolls in. Nominated for 5 Golden Globe awards (including best picture, director and actor), Benjamin Button is a flawed but overall amazing film.
This movie is just simply put, brilliantly made. David Fincher needs to be commended. The tone is already set even before the title comes up. The effects in this film are incredible. Making days gone by seem natural but at the same time bringing that nostalgic feel to it. The imagery is incredible. As is the make up used to age (or de-age) the characters are almost flawless (though Brad Pitt does a little “plastic” at one stage).
The performances are also impressive. Led by an always underrated Pitt (working with Fincher for the third time) and the super reliable Blanchett, they seem to share great chemistry which elevate their performances that much further. Didn’t think Pitt deserved a nomination, but if he deserved one, so did Blanchett. The supporting cast is just as impressive as they bring the required emotion to each and every scene.
In comparison its flaws will seem like an after thought. The film does at times feel overly long and draggy. Benjamin’s “curious case” is never REALLY explained (asides from a connection to a clock that ticks backwards) and seems to just be “accepted” by everyone he meets. As in what’s happening to him IS INCREDIBLE! But nobody cares.
Going into this movie, I was worried about how they end it. I am happy to report that it does reach a very worthy, heartfelt and somewhat sad ending that wraps the film up very well. It’s not something that will blow your mind, but it is filmmaking at its best and one to keep an eye out for come Oscar time.
with this, the story was great but man.. i just didn't feel the after effect. it just left me blank.
ps watch a movie called slumdog millionaire. must watch movie of the year
I know what you mean bro. it had a nice ending but it didn't "wow" me and that's the problem. but oh well...
I've watched Slumdog, review's on my blog somewhere. It was good but not the best thing i've seen.
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