Main Players: Kiefer Sutherland, Paula Patton, Amy Smart, et al.
Calling the shots: Alexandre Aja
Running time: 110mins
What's it about? A cop forced into retirement after a mishap, takes a job as a night watchman at an abandoned and burned down department store. He soon realizes that the mirrors in the department store aren’t what they seem and his predecessors have all died because of them. Can he reveal the true behind the mirrors before it’s too late for him and his family?
What did I think? Hollywood has a habit of churning out Asian horror remakes and often not very good ones. Having said that, this remake of a Korean horror movie is not bad, if not particularly good either.
I suppose that’s not saying much because personally, I haven’t seen the original so I have nothing to base my opinions. But with Alexandre Aja (‘The Hills Have Eyes’, ‘High Tension’) behind the lens you are at least guaranteed some horror violence, and in that regard he won’t disappoint. It’s not as violent as his previous films, but the violence is definitely there. Turn away if you’re squeamish in the opening scene and Amy Smart’s bathroom scene (sounds like a contradiction but trust me).
The other surprising aspect of this is that the reason behind the happening is not like your usual Asian horror (a bit vague, but don’t want to give it away). It also has some decent chills and might make you think twice before staring too long into a mirror again. It does become a bit of an action movie in the final act, but it is handled fairly well.
It’s hard to see Kiefer Sutherland out of his “Jack Bauer” character but he does just what he needs to, as does the rest of the cast, and the child actors proving to be the creepiest as always.
The ending you’ll see coming but it isn’t any less creepy and it is well executed that you’ll probably appreciate it. Not the best horror but for a remake it’s passable.
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