Main Players: Josh Zuckerman, Amanda Crew, Clark Duke, et al.
Calling the shots: Sean Anders
Running time: 109mins
What's it about? A teenager meets a chick online. He is promised his wildest desires if he can drive cross country and reach her in time. So, with his two best friends in tow, he steals his jerk of a brother's car and sets out on his journey to lose his virginity, once and for all. Que the hilarious escapades of a horny teenager.
What did I think? It's a big welcome back to the days of 'American Pie'. What was once a dead genre, replaced nowadays by more smarter, mature comedies (such as 'Superbad', etc.), is back in full force with this one.
If you're anything like me or aged anywhere close to me you'll be groaning through out this film. It literally makes you feel "too old for this shit". That's not to say, it's a total lost cause. There are moments of hilarity but it seems a lot less mature and you're almost embarassed for laughing along with it. The more subtle scenes are absolutely funny (see the Armish folk, led by Seth Green).
The mostly unknown cast do a decent job with the material but then again, it wouldn't have been that hard. James Marsden plays against type as the jerk/jock brother and he is actually pretty funny. Seth Green as I mentioned before is great with his sarcasm/non-sarcasm act, you can never really tell with what his saying. There are some other veteran actors lending a hand and probably making it more watchable.
It's a completely dumb movie. But that's what it's meant to be. It does pretty well on the laughter factor, but it is clearly targeted at a particular age group and it shows it.