In the span of a week, I've spent close to 2 grand. 2 GRAND! In years gone by, that amount of spend would have been unheard of for me. Right now, it seems reasonable. Gosh, I sound obnoxious. hahaha.
On Sunday, as the Country Road voucher was expiring, I went to by some clothing items. New shirt, new top and new t-shirt. Then I figured, since I was out, I might as well get shoes. Aquila outlet, two pairs, second pair half price. Boxset of DVDs. A wireless router. Cough Syrup. Value, 700-ish.
I'm loving the shoes, except one of 'em is giving me blisters. I leave the house in pain but I get used to it during the day, then come home and take them of it's like a release.
The following Saturday, I decided to go and get myself a TV and DVD player. Panasonic Viera 26-inch, wide screen LCD. The DVD player is awesome too. I've been watching DVDs on my laptop, so now it's a joy just watching TV. I leave it on for the hell of it when I'm in the room because it's so clear! Value, 1.2K-ish.
So there you have it my little splurge session. I hadn't had one in a while, so it was great. You think I'm spending too much? Probably, but meh. What's money for if you don't spend it?
1 comment:
that's just crazey. shouldve brought me along, i could persuade you to buy something for me too hehe
id prolly buy a good cashmere pants, or a flight to somewhere :p
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