Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"S" for...


...nah, I only wish that...though the Kryptonite thing is a bitch...

Anyway, what the "S" really is for is my new clothes size. Yes, I know. WHAT?! I hear you. I never thought I'd see the day either. Not that I feel any smaller, or look it...probably.

A few people recently have been telling me that I've lost weight. I'm always like "pfft, whatever." But when your dad, someone that sees you all the time, says it. It must be true, right?

My clothes have seemed a lot looser on me lately. But then again, I always where baggy clothes. Having to wear my suit to work, it's become blatantly obvious that my suit is waaay to big for me. It has been three years since i bought it, so that shows how much i've changed. I guess. Let's see how long I can keep this up. I reckon the winter days might do more harm to me though. hahaha. We'll see.

For now, I'll be calling on my fashion consultants (ie. Sabrina and Heidi) for further clothing advice when I feel like another retail therapy session. The most recent last Friday. Due to a combination of a shitty day at work and sales going on in a lot of stores. I came out the other end (ooo, that doesn't sound right) with three spiffy business shirts, a military-inspired wash shirt, a cardigan and a new suit...which I still need to pick up. mmmm...I should probably get on to that...

Now...to hit the gym more often so I can "look" more like Superman...hahahaha, and I almost said that with a straight face. hahahahaha.



Saturday, May 10, 2008

Spending Spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Money. I never really had any in the past to use. That never stop me from use it though. Credit cards, what a thing of beauty they are. When I first got them, I always paid the balance on time. Sound impressive? Not really. Because it was petty amounts anyway. But I haven't seen a zero balance in a looooooong while. That's not about to change.

In the span of a week, I've spent close to 2 grand. 2 GRAND! In years gone by, that amount of spend would have been unheard of for me. Right now, it seems reasonable. Gosh, I sound obnoxious. hahaha.

On Sunday, as the Country Road voucher was expiring, I went to by some clothing items. New shirt, new top and new t-shirt. Then I figured, since I was out, I might as well get shoes. Aquila outlet, two pairs, second pair half price. Boxset of DVDs. A wireless router. Cough Syrup. Value, 700-ish.

I'm loving the shoes, except one of 'em is giving me blisters. I leave the house in pain but I get used to it during the day, then come home and take them of it's like a release.

The following Saturday, I decided to go and get myself a TV and DVD player. Panasonic Viera 26-inch, wide screen LCD. The DVD player is awesome too. I've been watching DVDs on my laptop, so now it's a joy just watching TV. I leave it on for the hell of it when I'm in the room because it's so clear! Value, 1.2K-ish.

So there you have it my little splurge session. I hadn't had one in a while, so it was great. You think I'm spending too much? Probably, but meh. What's money for if you don't spend it?