Yes, sorry to disappoint. I'm not donating plasma TVs now. Apparently it's something in your blood. Yes, I know! Go figure right? Or am I the only one that didn't know already?
I'd been donating blood for about a year now. As impressive as that may sound, that's only really three or four donations. :P They only allow you to donate once every three months, you see. Well, apparently since I'm such a special Australian (Japanese), I can donate Plasma as well.
They told me the procedure. Apparently they take my blood as with a usual donation. Then they distill/filter my blood and effectively take the plasma out of it. Then what they do is pump the blood back into me. :S Yeah...that's the look I had too. It sounds kinda scary. But I'm sure they have advanced machinary to make sure it's done safely.
...I just hope it's advanced further than the technology in the picture above. lol. Now to find out what the hell Plasma exactly is. Wikipedia, here I come! (I just found out about the amazing-ness of this kind.) lol.
much love,
Hope u didn't go out and donate your blood/plasma straight after a good round of whisky :P
Regardless, that was a really kind and thoughtful act of yours. Good stuff.
I'm more responsible then that. But what's better than a little 'tainted' blood?
hahaha, i should have added that I haven't done it yet. I've booked myself in for about two weeks time, and it so happens to another significant date. :S
I did not know that you donate blood? That is fantastic, Master Ippei. Happy Birthday again!
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