The movie is...Dogville. And this for entirely different reasons to King Kong.
I don't know if any of you have seen it. The entire film is shot on a sound stage. Meaning that there is very limited props and basically chork lines for buildings. It's like watching a stage show. It's an innovative idea, but one that fails miserably in terms of the "feel" of the movie. This isn't why it had an impact.
The impact comes in the story. It explores the ugly side of humans. And what could be interpreted as "human arrogance". I digress. Let me explain.
The movie is about Grace, who wonders into a small village called Dogville. A place with a popluation of 15. She is on the run. The villagers vote to let her stay, in exchange she does chores for them. It begins all rosy, but as soon as it becomes apparent that Grace is more than she seems, the attitudes of the villagers begin to change and they "bare their teeth".
It's the second half that's very impactful. Grace becomes a victim. She gets raped, abused, belittled and basically emotionally attacked. The villagers know about it but they don't care, they in fact act as if it's normal. This is the ugly side of humans I was talking about. The once cheerful and friendly villagers, who are for all intents and purposes "social hermits", become very bitter and vengeful as soon as they discover the danger in keeping Grace around. The turn is quite horrific and hard to watch (not visually, but it's just hard to bare). You get so frustrated and angry, you want to yell or throw something at the screen.
Then there's the other side. Grace's side. She accepts this abuse. Granted, she is in hiding, she doesn't necessarily have to stay in this village but elects to. It eventually gets to a point when she can't leave (they chain her by her neck to a heavy metal wheel so she cannot move freely), but that's later. And you realise why at the end and the key here is "arrogance".
The film explains that she allows all this to happen to her because she is arrogant. You might be thinking "huh?" but hear me out. It explains that she is so arrogant, that she puts herself on such a high peddistal. A peddistal to which she believes no body else can ever reach her level. So in her mind, if people like the villages who don't know any better and are trying their best to survive but do something bad, it's not their fault because that is what they know. That's their best.
It was a very "wow" moment after hearing that speech (delievered by James Caan's character). I probably didn't explain it very well. If you are at all intrigued, I suggest you check it out. Or ask me, I've got a copy of it. :P
By the way, this movie has a very satisfying ending. But it's by no means a happy one. It's not a movie you watch and you get the great feeling after. You've been warned.
much love, I.
dogville sounds good, will check it out. notice you gave battle royale a 4. i thought it was pretty good. have u seen the sequel? it was shit! u should check out the novel and manga, i prefer both to the film
Alex, seems like you're the only that comments on my blog. lol. appreciate the love bruv.
Cool. It'd be interesting to hear what you think about it.
I will check out the novel and the manga of Battle Royale. I've seen the sequel it BLOWS. I agree. (check out my reviews for both on facebook/flixster. :P)
Hope Bahrain is treating you well so far!
it's so tempting to catch dogville after you describe the intricate elements.. but im also afraid of how disturbing it might be, hmm. it probly is yes?
Hey Ippei, I haven't actually seen the movie. However from your posting and some quick reading from some sites, it reminds me of the life of Jesus.
He came from a position of power, and stooped low by entering into our world as human (Grace leaves the comfort of her Father's wealth). He became as low as a servant (character wise, not career wise) to serve others.
However the people rejected him and rebuked his teaching and message from God (Grace was raped abused etc). They then killed him however this fulfilled the prophesy and he rose again on the third day. Those who believe/d in him are then saved into eternal life.
When judgement day comes God will then judge everyone accordingly. He saves those who obey and love him (ie. Moses).
There are of course a lot of unsimilarities too. I'm not even sure about the writer's and/or Director's meaning behind the movie, but that's what I got out of reading.
Liss, like I said it's not graphic (they show the rape but not in great detail as so you know it's definitely happening/happened). The other abuse I was mentioning is more like mean spirited things that frustrate you while you watch.
I may have gone over board with the description. If you're interested you should check it out.
Jun, I never thought of it that way but yeah to a point that makes sense. It'd be interesting to find out what the writer/director Lar Von Trier (I think that's his name) had in mind.
Thanks both for the comment, good to know people read my mumbo-jumbo. :P
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