Before you correct me, yes I know. I'm 23. Just recently in fact, but so hence I'm in my 24th year of exisitence. Or whatever you might like to call it.
(mmm...I like clothes straight from the drier. So warm...)
I went through a few phases last week. Triggered, of course, by the date that is recognises as my own. The 21st of August. I still struggle with the fact that it's winter over here. Funny, given that it's been 17 years since I moved here. But I guess something in my bones, my blood, lets me know that I'm a summer boy. Albeit with a winter body. :P
As all my friends will no doubt know. I don't celebrate my birthday. At least not in the traditional sense. No parties, no presents. Barely even a recognition. But that's the way I like. I don't like making a fuss about a day that lets me know I'm one year older. It happens every year and everyday for someone else. No big deal.
Thank you to those that sent me txt, emails, messages on Facebook or gave me a call though. Don't think I don't appreciate it because I do...a lot! :)
The week was unusually busy. At work I mean. I had more shifts and there was a sudden abundance of customers. It was the best it's been in years, dad tells me. Which is terrific. Perhaps it's good karma finally paying off. lol. No coincidence it was in the week of my birthday then, eh?
It was all capped off with a little splurging. C'mon you have to right? :P
Then you hit the relfective phase. You've been on this earth for 23 freakin' years. What the hell have you achieved? mmm, good question. I'd say a lot but nothing at all. Nothing I can hang my hat on I suppose. But that's okay. Or rather I don't care.
People have always told me, I should go out more often, or get a girlfriend already, or have more fun, or get a job, or whatever. And I'd at times felt as though I was obliged to do so. And felt like an incredible loner if I didn't go out partying every night. But I realise now, and should have always known, that it doesn't matter what people say. I'm living my life the way I want, and hey, I'm enjoying it! There are things I'm sure that would make my life even more great but "good things come to those who wait" or so I've heard. :P
I've got Friends. Great friends in fact. Some I should call more often and some I wish I knew better.
I've got my health. Except my freakin' dodgey knee. Probably overweight in most categories but I don't feel it. lol. I'm healthy enough to donate blood (or from now on Plasma).
I've got money. Not excessive amounts, but enough to get me by. Even enough to satisfy my spending spree moments.
So what if I over indulge in movies? That's what I love. So what if I don't have a girlfriend? I've still got a lot of friends. So what if I don't have a job? That's only a matter of time. I should have more fun? How do you know I'm already not?
...argh, I hate reflective moments. It always comes out in a jumbled mess. blah!
So as I continue with my journey in life, one major path may soon reveal itself. I have an interview with the "Teach in Japan" people this coming Tuesday. If all goes smoothly, I might be out of here sooner than I realised. All those wondering about my AIESEC exchange, the process is taking too long. SRB is in late sep or early oct. Don't like the wait.
My path may yet continue back in my homeland. And as I said, I might be there quicker than i had previously anticipated. Beyond that though, I can't tell you. I can tell you I don't see myself "living" in Japan permanently. Yet I might end up there for a while. Who knows? I'm just a little bit excited at the prospect. But I've learned not to count my chickens before they hatch. All will be more clearer come this tuesday.
One thing is for sure though. I need out of Australia for a while. Be it a week, a month, a year, a decade. I hate leaving behind everything I have here, but it's a change I might need. Or at least want.
much love,