Same leg. Doing the same thing. 'Cept this time it's my knee.
I hurt it, once again, playing the game I love. Basketball. But the pain I felt when I initially did it was hella crazy. Funny thing though. After the initial pain, for the rest of the day it didn't hurt. AT ALL. It was a very WTF moment.
On Sunday. I remember studder-faking to the right. Jumping up for a shot. And then the snapping feeling as I landed (it didn't turn out bad, but it sounded and felt like it was). I immediately knew my knee was fucked.
Friends helped me to the bench. And oddly enough I felt no pain. Bend. Nothing. Stretch. Nothing. I told them to go back to playing. I sat on the bench massaging it, bending and stretching. I felt good enough to get up. Good. No pain so far. Bend the knees. Good. Feels fine. I take a step with my left then a step with my right and BAM! It felt like my knees were either locking up or buckling. Then the shot of pain again.
I hopped back to the bench massage again...and the pain disappears. W.T.F.
Spending 4+hrs in the Alfred hospital was, oh! so much fun (please feel sarcasm here). And after all the checks and x-rays, they ruled it a sprained knee. But the fact that I felt no pain was apparently an 'unusual presentation'. No shit! After spending all the much time, all I got was a pair of crutches.
Monday was bad. The pain began in the wee hours of the morning. It started to throb. Then swell up. Then pain! I could no longer bend nor stretch and definitely still couldn't walk. Much of Monday was spent rubbing ointment and taking painkillers (Panadol).
Now it's the end of Tuesday and knee's feeling fine. It feels a little tight and hurt when I bend it, but other than that I can limp-walk, so it's all good. I should be fine by the end of the week...I hope.
And hey. I made the shot. :P
much love, I.