Monday, November 27, 2006
Farewell...hello...and long overdue...
Aaron departs...'s been a week, I wonder why it's taken me this long to post this...=P
Last Monday, the 20th, marks a emotional day for myself. Aaron, who has become easily one of my closest friends, left the country for what seems like a global trek. I've only known him for about a year and a half, but bro, I'll miss ya. It was a tearly farewell at the airport (at least for my part) and I'm kicking myself for not bring a camera. lol.
His impressive trip includes stops in: Singapore, India, Buhrma, Singapore and possibly Afghanistan or the South Americas. It's something I admire him about. The courage and the motivation to know what he wants and doing it. His ETA back into Australia is January 08. lol.
But like we said man, "I'll see you somewhere in the world!" =P How cool is it, that we can say that?
Please note...I am not addicted to cigars...I just simply enjoy them that's all.
After promising myself that I would never smoke anything of any kind, I just had to try a cigar during out whisky/cigar/poker night...Call me a hypocrite but I did enjoy
This comes on the end of Dromana last year, where I refused to try because I was afraid I'd get I guess I was kinda right. =P I bet you're all laughing at me...scratch that, laughing WITH me. =P
Japan, my mother land...
It's been 1,2,3,4, FIVE years since I last visted my home country. FIVE frickin' years...That's about a quarter of my life or my whole uni life, if you think about it. That's hella crazy...
But never fear, the time has finally come. I will be flying 'home' in January, and I can't tell you how excited I am. =D It's going to be so awesome to see my relatives and friends, the food (Oh my god, the food!), the random TV shows and just smelling that polluted home air, I miss so much. lol.
I hope to go travelling around as well, that would be awesome. Oh the onsen! Dah! just sooooo many things to do...Mental note though; the last time I went back I came back fatter than I'd ever been. DON'T do that again. =P
How do you know you're injury-prone? Every freakin' time you play basketball, you hurt some part of yourself. In a span of about ten days, I've played twice...totally number of injuries...4!
-swollen pinkie
-burised knee
-bum ankle
-bum thumb (and pinkie, again!)
I was told that I should initiate more conversations (or else, how would I ever pick up?)...I absolutely agree! Do you see why I've never been in a relationship before? =P And everywhere I look, couples, couples and couples...
There are people that have my interest...but until they show interest in me, I'm ain't doin' nothing.
Let the job hunting begin!
Speaking of which, I'm currently heavily involved in the decision making of things at dad's restaurant, and it's kinda fun! Maybe I should consider taking over the business after all. =P
Song of the moment...'My Love' featuring T.I. & Timbaland by Justin Timberlake.
puff...'s been a week, I wonder why it's taken me this long to post this...=P
Last Monday, the 20th, marks a emotional day for myself. Aaron, who has become easily one of my closest friends, left the country for what seems like a global trek. I've only known him for about a year and a half, but bro, I'll miss ya. It was a tearly farewell at the airport (at least for my part) and I'm kicking myself for not bring a camera. lol.
His impressive trip includes stops in: Singapore, India, Buhrma, Singapore and possibly Afghanistan or the South Americas. It's something I admire him about. The courage and the motivation to know what he wants and doing it. His ETA back into Australia is January 08. lol.
But like we said man, "I'll see you somewhere in the world!" =P How cool is it, that we can say that?
Please note...I am not addicted to cigars...I just simply enjoy them that's all.
After promising myself that I would never smoke anything of any kind, I just had to try a cigar during out whisky/cigar/poker night...Call me a hypocrite but I did enjoy
This comes on the end of Dromana last year, where I refused to try because I was afraid I'd get I guess I was kinda right. =P I bet you're all laughing at me...scratch that, laughing WITH me. =P
Japan, my mother land...
It's been 1,2,3,4, FIVE years since I last visted my home country. FIVE frickin' years...That's about a quarter of my life or my whole uni life, if you think about it. That's hella crazy...
But never fear, the time has finally come. I will be flying 'home' in January, and I can't tell you how excited I am. =D It's going to be so awesome to see my relatives and friends, the food (Oh my god, the food!), the random TV shows and just smelling that polluted home air, I miss so much. lol.
I hope to go travelling around as well, that would be awesome. Oh the onsen! Dah! just sooooo many things to do...Mental note though; the last time I went back I came back fatter than I'd ever been. DON'T do that again. =P
How do you know you're injury-prone? Every freakin' time you play basketball, you hurt some part of yourself. In a span of about ten days, I've played twice...totally number of injuries...4!
-swollen pinkie
-burised knee
-bum ankle
-bum thumb (and pinkie, again!)
I was told that I should initiate more conversations (or else, how would I ever pick up?)...I absolutely agree! Do you see why I've never been in a relationship before? =P And everywhere I look, couples, couples and couples...
There are people that have my interest...but until they show interest in me, I'm ain't doin' nothing.
Let the job hunting begin!
Speaking of which, I'm currently heavily involved in the decision making of things at dad's restaurant, and it's kinda fun! Maybe I should consider taking over the business after all. =P
Song of the moment...'My Love' featuring T.I. & Timbaland by Justin Timberlake.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Moview Review: The Prestige

Dir: Christopher Nolan
Stars: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, et al.
Plot: One stage performer magician stands trial for the murder of his rival. As the trial (and indeed the mystery) unfolds, it traces the humble beginnings of the two rival magicians. From being stage hands, to one fateful event making them enemies forever, and thus beginning their dangerous game of one ups-manship. But in the world of the magicians, it's all in the closely...
Rating: 4 out of 5
Welcome back Christopher Nolan...not that he went anywhere. He is easily one of my favourite directors at the moment, ever sense he debuted in Hollywood with 'Memento'. He's style is recognisable with each of his movies, having a definite touch to them. 'The Prestige' is like a combination of his past three movies, with distinct elements taken from each. 'Memento' - the back and forth between time and the mystery. 'Insomnia' - the misty surrounds of Teslar's estate. 'Batman Begins' - the modernised-old English towns, ie. the setting.
The actors are top class. Christian Bale is easily one the best and most dedicated actors going around today and he does not disappoint (but man he looks so evil...). It's also great to see Hugh Jackman in a role that isn't a 'character' (ie. Wolverine, Van Helsing), and he does a fantastic job here as well. And Michael Caine, is as reliable as ever, he has a great presence in the movie without ever stealing the show. Whether it's these three actors dominence or not, Scarlett Johansson on the other hand doesn't fair all that well, if she wasn't so attractive, you could almost not notice her in the movie. lol.
This movie is highly recommended. The twist is as disturbing (in a way) as it is amazingly pulled off...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Like waiting for that inevitable slap in the face...
Haven't done a general update in a while, so here it is...
Done and dusted. Only had two. The first was for Ethical Issues in Accountancy, for which I didn't do an assignment that was worth 25%, so I had to pretty much get the 65%, which was what the exam was worth. It was surprisingly 'do-able'. What that means at the moment, I have no idea. The second was for Business Logistics. I got done in an hour and a half, of a three hour exam. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing. But I felt good coming out.
Just been told that, I won't find out my results until early December...Which totally sucks, because the application for the MC (that's AIESEC talk for people wondering), is also due around that time, meaning, I won't get to apply either way, because I won't find out my result. And regardless of what people say, I'm not going on the MC, if I fail anything.
Speaking of which, RMIT is a little bit loopy. They expect us to pay for and pick up attire for our graduation BEFORE we even find out if we have graduated or not...It seems stupid to me, and it would be extremely depressing if I go through all that and don't end up graduating...=S
So as the title suggest, I'm just waiting, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the inevitable. I'm confident of passing 3 out of 4. It's the last one that will get me...
At age 22, I have finally discovered the joys of reading books. Sure I'd read stuff previously like, the Goosebumps series, the Harry Potter series, and various autobiographies of wrestlers and basketball players, but not a novel per se. I suppose the Da Vinci Code would count, but that wasn't exactly well written (and I refuse to read Angels and Demons). Recently, under my pile of EMPIRE, GQ and *cough, cough* other magazines, I found my Bourne trilogy book that I had started and neglected. I jump straight back into the Bourne Identity and let me tell you it's soooooooo good. Completely different from the movie (which is okay, in its own right), it so exciting I couldn't put it down once I started, but my tram rides to uni and to work are so short that I barely get a few pages in. I'm an extremely slow reader...
Having finished Identity, I'm now well embedded into Supremacy, and it's getting good. Ah, the joys of reading...I find thee with maturity...
This is quite embarrassing actually. Now I wouldn't say that I am 'fat', at least not in the obese sense, though I am definitely overweight. I've recently just started swimming again, and just the other day, went into the gym for a fitness test. Now, regardless of what the numbers actually mean, my fitness level at the start of the year was 45. In the 'good' range apparently. At present, I am at a measly 19. In the 'not even on the chart' range. =S It is so not good. And the scary thing is that I don't really feel it, though I'm sure people can see it. So it's a rededication to my fitness...Starting tomorrow...See how long THAT lasts...
the world...
I totally dislike the world that we live in. So many evils exist in the world, it's just not right. And the worst part is, it's right in front of us, yet we care more about what's going on across the seas. I don't understand that, if we can't even fix things at home, what makes us think we can else where? It's the 'charity starts at home' idealism I suppose.
This is few weeks old but the case about the Werribee students filming themselves raping and abusing a girl, and then distributing the video, just made me sick to my stomach. It's not only wrong, it's horrific not to mention extremely stupid. Then almost to follow that immediately, we had a Muslim (I think) Sheik, state that women who dress 'un-modestly' and 'appeal' to men are to blame for getting raped, the guy even went as far as to use an analogy of cats to raw meat, to describe these women. I just though that was heinous as well...=S
To end on a lighter note, some stupid things that customers always say...
Walks into the restaurant and asks, 'Are you open?' My answer is always, 'of course'. But sometimes I'm just tempted to say 'no'. And see what their reactions would be.
Oh, and why do people not read the menu before ordering? It would save a heck of a lot of time...
I recently borrowed my sisters camera and got some photos of AIESEC RMIT's R & R. Check it out through my flickr account...
signing off...
Done and dusted. Only had two. The first was for Ethical Issues in Accountancy, for which I didn't do an assignment that was worth 25%, so I had to pretty much get the 65%, which was what the exam was worth. It was surprisingly 'do-able'. What that means at the moment, I have no idea. The second was for Business Logistics. I got done in an hour and a half, of a three hour exam. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing. But I felt good coming out.
Just been told that, I won't find out my results until early December...Which totally sucks, because the application for the MC (that's AIESEC talk for people wondering), is also due around that time, meaning, I won't get to apply either way, because I won't find out my result. And regardless of what people say, I'm not going on the MC, if I fail anything.
Speaking of which, RMIT is a little bit loopy. They expect us to pay for and pick up attire for our graduation BEFORE we even find out if we have graduated or not...It seems stupid to me, and it would be extremely depressing if I go through all that and don't end up graduating...=S
So as the title suggest, I'm just waiting, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the inevitable. I'm confident of passing 3 out of 4. It's the last one that will get me...
At age 22, I have finally discovered the joys of reading books. Sure I'd read stuff previously like, the Goosebumps series, the Harry Potter series, and various autobiographies of wrestlers and basketball players, but not a novel per se. I suppose the Da Vinci Code would count, but that wasn't exactly well written (and I refuse to read Angels and Demons). Recently, under my pile of EMPIRE, GQ and *cough, cough* other magazines, I found my Bourne trilogy book that I had started and neglected. I jump straight back into the Bourne Identity and let me tell you it's soooooooo good. Completely different from the movie (which is okay, in its own right), it so exciting I couldn't put it down once I started, but my tram rides to uni and to work are so short that I barely get a few pages in. I'm an extremely slow reader...
Having finished Identity, I'm now well embedded into Supremacy, and it's getting good. Ah, the joys of reading...I find thee with maturity...
This is quite embarrassing actually. Now I wouldn't say that I am 'fat', at least not in the obese sense, though I am definitely overweight. I've recently just started swimming again, and just the other day, went into the gym for a fitness test. Now, regardless of what the numbers actually mean, my fitness level at the start of the year was 45. In the 'good' range apparently. At present, I am at a measly 19. In the 'not even on the chart' range. =S It is so not good. And the scary thing is that I don't really feel it, though I'm sure people can see it. So it's a rededication to my fitness...Starting tomorrow...See how long THAT lasts...
the world...
I totally dislike the world that we live in. So many evils exist in the world, it's just not right. And the worst part is, it's right in front of us, yet we care more about what's going on across the seas. I don't understand that, if we can't even fix things at home, what makes us think we can else where? It's the 'charity starts at home' idealism I suppose.
This is few weeks old but the case about the Werribee students filming themselves raping and abusing a girl, and then distributing the video, just made me sick to my stomach. It's not only wrong, it's horrific not to mention extremely stupid. Then almost to follow that immediately, we had a Muslim (I think) Sheik, state that women who dress 'un-modestly' and 'appeal' to men are to blame for getting raped, the guy even went as far as to use an analogy of cats to raw meat, to describe these women. I just though that was heinous as well...=S
To end on a lighter note, some stupid things that customers always say...
Walks into the restaurant and asks, 'Are you open?' My answer is always, 'of course'. But sometimes I'm just tempted to say 'no'. And see what their reactions would be.
Oh, and why do people not read the menu before ordering? It would save a heck of a lot of time...
I recently borrowed my sisters camera and got some photos of AIESEC RMIT's R & R. Check it out through my flickr account...
signing off...
Moview Review: The Grudge 2

Dir: Takashi Shimizu
Star: Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Sarah Michelle Gellar, et al
Plot: The powerful curse continues to grow and gets stronger as it travels to the States. The basic plot remains the same. It's about the curse, and Aubrey's travel to Japan to bring home her sister, Karen, who is now in the hospital and is suspected of attempting to burn down the infamous house. But it soon becomes apparent that there is no escape from this house or the evil grudge. A lot of people die (disappear) and seems like there is no end...
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
This sequel is worth seeing, if you have been enjoying the various versions of this series. Ironically enough, all directed by the same man and the creator of the it all Takashi Shimizu. However, there is absolutely nothing new to see in this film. Everything that you see, well at least most of it, has appeared in the previous verisons or any other 'hollywood' horror movie. The story and the movie itself, is not all that good. It's the same inter-weaving scenerios of various characters, and also jumping back and forth through time. You could seriously get lost watching this.
Sarah Michelle Gellar, only appears in this one briefly. The one thing that this does have going for itself is the fact that it's a lot creepier and scarier than it seemed. It's definitely more so than the first film. The movie actually gave me goosebumps on several occasions (although I was wearing thongs and sleeveless jumper in an air-conditioned cinema, =P). It does give you some thrills, so if you want something scarey to watch, take on this grudge...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Movie Review: Saw 3

Dir: Darren Lyn Bousman
Stars: Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith, Angus Macfadyen, et al...
Plot: The masterfully (gruesome) work of the 'Jigsaw' continues, even from his own death bed. Now with a protege, his legacy and legend carries on with some new inventive 'games' he makes his victims play. This time the main subject being a man not willing to let go and forgive, all involved in the death of his only son. Let the games begin...
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Now a yearly tradition for a 'Saw' installment to be released to coincide with the grand old tradition of Halloween, let's hope this is the last in the series. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that it's getting to be tired formula, and surely they must be running out of ideas on how to torment and kill people by now. (Read that the creators and writers of the series - the two alumnus of RMIT! yay! =D - don't wanna do another one, but the studio would more than likely produce another, with or without them. =S) It's been one majorly successful franchise. Raking in a quite lot more than it was made for.
The third installment, does not work as a 'stand-alone' movie. By that I mean, you had to have seen the first two to know what is going on (at least in terms of the deeper meaning). Having said that, it does tie the three movies together rather nicely. Wrapping up a series that have provided a lot of blood and gore. The formula is tired, but the twists will continue to get you. Whether you like them is another story, and that where it failed for me. It just felt like something they put together in hurry, for the sake of putting it together.
See it if you liked the first two, but much like the two, it's not for the faint of heart. As they say, 'oh yes, there will be blood.'
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Here we go again...
At the risk of segregating and boring the crap out of some people...
Photo of the year?
which would you have picked?
VS a Knicks fan, I'd say little Nate on the left but as a man with a tremendous respect for those that play D...=S...incidently, the Big Ben rejection on Shaq won photo of the year on
The wonders that is Foxtel has finally delivered, with three matches across four days, I managed to catch them all. =D Just some random thoughts on what I saw and the new season in general...
Photo of the year?
which would you have picked? a Knicks fan, I'd say little Nate on the left but as a man with a tremendous respect for those that play D...=S...incidently, the Big Ben rejection on Shaq won photo of the year on
The wonders that is Foxtel has finally delivered, with three matches across four days, I managed to catch them all. =D Just some random thoughts on what I saw and the new season in general...
- What the hell is with the free throw shooting? It's worse than ever...
- The new zero torelance rule has it ups and downs. It's good they're cracking down, but why take away the emotion?
- LeBron James, is an offensive force. That man is un-guard-able. His D and free throw shooting however...
- Chicago looked good on D beating Miami by 42...but then have lost two in a row...what the?
- Apparently back-to-back games are more difficult then ever. Boy, do teams struggle on the end of them...
- Odom, is just playing nuts at the moment...even WITH Kobe...
Just a concluding point: What do people think of technology in sports?
I refer to the use of technology to make correct calls, etc. (The third umpire in cricket, the red-eye thingy at the tennis, the shot review in the NBA) I think it's good to a point. It slows the natural flow of the game down and takes aways some of the human element of the sports. But it is effective to use, to check last second shots and stuff, nothing else. I'm really on the fence about it, because I hate it when bad calls by the referees are used as an excuse for a loss. But if the technology is fully implemented, it will slow down the game. =S
Signing off...
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Jigga...Hova...Jay...Shawn...whatever...THE BEST
It's been a it was about time I posted about
First and foremost, thanks to Yi for taking the picture (and all her other photo's from that night, check 'em out on her blog, to your left), you should have been in the photo with us looking and feeling as ridiculous as we did. =P Hold 'em diamonds in the air!
It was my fourth rap/RnB concert I'd been to, second for the year. The overall show itself was okay, but man, have to experience that man live...he knows how to entertain, regardless of whatever you may hear about him. (I heard he refused to take his shades of in the 'dark' backstage area, so he had one of his lackys flash a torch on the buffet, so he could see what he was eatin'. lol)
Tyree (New Zealand rapper) was meh, Ne-Yo was alright (good enough performer and singer, just not much of a fan) and Rihanna was well ... (she looked good on stage, she had two dancers with her that made her look better. She wasn't really singing the first few songs. It wasn't all that good, but I think she made up a little ground with 'SOS').
But Jay-Z was 'off the hook', as they say. Accompanied by Memphis Bleek (who my friend Toby, claims 'looked at me (Toby), winked and walked away'... yeah, whatever man *rolls eyes*), the man's performance was almost worth the massive waiting time. Oh boy, was it massive. =S There were no suprise performances from Jay's girl Beyonce, though she did make an 'on-stage' appearance.
I rate Kanye's show earlier in the year higher, but seeing the man himself, and having a few great friends along for the ride, made it an awesome night.
" for one last time, I need y'all to roar!"
First and foremost, thanks to Yi for taking the picture (and all her other photo's from that night, check 'em out on her blog, to your left), you should have been in the photo with us looking and feeling as ridiculous as we did. =P Hold 'em diamonds in the air!
Tyree (New Zealand rapper) was meh, Ne-Yo was alright (good enough performer and singer, just not much of a fan) and Rihanna was well ... (she looked good on stage, she had two dancers with her that made her look better. She wasn't really singing the first few songs. It wasn't all that good, but I think she made up a little ground with 'SOS').
But Jay-Z was 'off the hook', as they say. Accompanied by Memphis Bleek (who my friend Toby, claims 'looked at me (Toby), winked and walked away'... yeah, whatever man *rolls eyes*), the man's performance was almost worth the massive waiting time. Oh boy, was it massive. =S There were no suprise performances from Jay's girl Beyonce, though she did make an 'on-stage' appearance.
I rate Kanye's show earlier in the year higher, but seeing the man himself, and having a few great friends along for the ride, made it an awesome night.
" for one last time, I need y'all to roar!"
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Moview Review: Children of Men
Dir: Alfonso Cuaron
Stars: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, et al...
Plot: It's the year 2027, women have become infertile and no new babies have been born. The world as it is has gone backwards rather than forwards. In the midst of it all, a pregnant woman emerges with what could the first child in 18 years. A office worker, persuaded by his revolutionist ex-wife, must help her get safely across war-torn England, at the same time avoiding the authorities and the revolutionist themselves.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
The one of the phrases in the movie was, 'the future is a thing of the past'. And it is very befitting of the setting of the movie. It's 2027, but you could argue it was as if it was 1970s again. The streets are dark, crime is committed everywhere, only the minor subtleties in technologies will ever make you think otherwise. And in creating such a dark and gloomy atmosphere, Cuaron has succeeded. Indeed it's a very dark film, dark in the sense that, you won't be leaving the cinema with a smile on your face.
There is however, real emotion in this movie. The urgency, and the desire, once you get obsorved in the film, it actually quite a film. It is great then, that this too has an outstanding cast, lead by Clive Owen. Some of the main players die out (fairly quickly as well), but that only adds to bleakness of the situation, it's almost like a 'wtf' moment, where you just wonder which direction this movie is headed.
It comes to a very dramatic and emotional climax. Be warned, whilst it's a great, well made movie. It's not an uplifting movie by any stretches of the imagination.
Movie Review: The departed
Dir: Martin Scorsese
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, et al...
Plot: The hollywood 'remake' of the Hong Kong film 'Infernal Affairs', but don't call it that. A Boston police cadet goes deep undercover with the Irish mafia, whilst at the same time, the mafia have one of their own in the police department. Whole heap of stuff happens and it all comes to a head...
Rating: 4 out of 5
I had been looking forward to this for quiet a while. First of all, look at the cast. Although it's pretty much testosterone driven (ie. mainly guys), they are all hollywood heavyweights and the movie thrives because of it. Team them up with a master director, who is yet to be recognised by the way, and you have all the makings of a blockbuster. There is nothing to hate about this movie and absolutely everything to love. Even the violence seems acceptable in the greater scheme of things.
The actors are fantastic. Leo and Damon, play their roles perfectly, especially Leo (who had the more difficult role). Jack was also excellent. He almost goes over the top but is kept at that maximum point by Scorsese, so it never seems ridiculous. Even the smaller roles (Walhberg, Baldwin and Sheen), all deserve a mention because the interaction between these characters and the dialgue is also good. That Irish-Boston accent and the little gags here and there keep the movie from going completely heavy.
Perhaps the only mis-step the movie takes is with the ending, it's just too much it almost became laughable. But that doesn't deter it from being a great movie. It's a director doing what he does best to perfection. Who-rah, one time for Martin Scorsese!
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